Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Musical Magic

Years 7 and 8 Harry Potter Task

As a way of getting used to how Cubase works, Years 7 and 8 were given the task of becoming film composers.
They watched the trailer for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but the sound had been edited out. Their task was to compose, record and edit a suitable musical accompaniment to the action using Cubase.
Students had to identify important dramatic hitpoints in the trailer, and consider how the music could support and enhance the audience's response to the drama. When composing, students had to think about;

  • mood
  • instrumentation
  • texture
  • timbre and contrast
  • pace
  • tonality
This is just one example of the work produced!

Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Check out this awesome video

When we've used instruments in class, you're encouraged to try and use the instrument in as many ways as possible (eg - tapping, plucking bowing, scratching), experimenting with the different sounds.

Here, the group are using just one guitar in loads of different ways. Can you pick out the different layers of sound?

Incredible voices too!

Monday, 27 February 2012

Welcome to Tenby International School's Music Department.

On this blog you can keep up with every happening in the Music Department. Click back here for pictures, videos and sound clips of students' work, as well as news from the department, homework information, revision help and latest news from the world of Music and Performing Arts.