Monday, 5 March 2012

Think you know all the musical symbols and what they mean? Check out this sporcle puzzle where you have to name each symbol as quickly as possible (yes, spelling matters!)

Try to beat Miss Emma's record time (30 seconds!)

Have fun!

Friday, 2 March 2012

Year 7 Ground Bass

Year 7 Make Some Noise!

Members of year 7 were given the task of creating a musical composition set over a given ground bass. They could use any instrument in the music department and tried to include a variety of timbres.

Some students played the ground bass, whilst others tried broken chords and one or two attempted to improvise a melody in tune with the ground bass chords.

Mr Colum could hear the awesome sound from his library and came down to see what all the noise was. Once he was here, he couldn't help joining in!

Thursday, 1 March 2012

Year 8 Canon Project

Year 8 hard at work....

Year 8 are working a ground bass project: they are creating a dance track inspired by the famous Pachelbel's Canon in D.

Other artists such as Coolio, Pet Shop Boys, Green Day and Oasis have used the same bassline.

Students are building a musical construction based upon the same ground bass. Their construction must include;

  • bass
  • sustained chords
  • broken chords
  • ostinato rhythms
  • a lyrical melody
  • drum beat
Finished products will be posted here!