Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Year 8 Music: Postmodernism

Year 8 have looked at the Music of Steve Reich, John Cage and Arnold Schoenburg. 
We discuss how the composers use post modern musical techniques to have an impact upon the audience.
Using the idea of John Cage's Prepared Pianos, we composed our own postmodern music sequences using prepared instruments.
Prepare your ears for some crazy experimental noise!

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Year 8 Drama: Expression

In Drama, Year 8 have been working on expressing emotions. We have been studying the concept of war. Each of the students composed and performed their own monologue, from the point of view of a Prisoner of War or Army Soldier. We had to exercise great self control, and try to lose our inhibitions in order to give a moving, emotional dramatic performance. This was new experience for everyone. We learned a lot, and hope we can try out these new skills in the next drama topic.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

TenBeats Line-up 2013

Check out the new line up for the TenBeats this term.
We will be performing at the Piasau Boat Club very soon! Watch this space!